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Country: Russia
2 x 45 min

Did Someone Call Santa?
Russians believe that all dreams come true on New Year’s Eve. But not for the Potykaevs! Sasha Potykaev ordered lingerie delivered to his house as a New Year’s gift for his wife Masha and arranged to have a girl deliver it when his wife wouldn’t be home. Meanwhile, Anton met a girl online and was waiting to meet her. Unfortunately, she didn’t know what he looked like. Both girls come at the same time…and mix the men up with each other. Then Masha appears on the scene! Much to the surprise of Santa and Sasha, Santa’s taken for Masha’s “lover.” Sasha got taken for an unfaithful husband and a cuckold at the same time! What a present!

New Year's Rush
You want to know how to make presents? Just watch the Potykaevs! On New Year’s Eve, their children Sveta, Anton and Pasha plan a “present” for their parents by going over to their friends unannounced. At the same time, their parents plan a surprise for Sasha’s boss and Masha’s single friend… they want to introduce two lonely hearts. But at the dinner table the Potykaev’s couple finds out that the two are already acquainted! They used to be married and now hate each other.


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